
19th September 2024

Little progress on any code, but I did write a blog post about Courtney Barnett and her Confessional mode, so check that out if you're that way inclined. I also got in contect with a friend of mine about writing some guest posts for the blog. He's a storied psychedelic explorer who has used mushrooms to explore and overcome past trauma and mental health struggles. We exchanged letters for a while this year, and both mean to strat again, so I'm looking forward to helping share some of his unqiue and important thought.

18th September 2024

I tried to set up a contact form this morning but it seemed more complicated than I was ready to commit to, I will instead just link my instagram for now I guess. I still haven't worked out the best things to post there, I'd love to just share all my research but it's not wise, so for now it's mostly historical stuff. Hopefully these two avenues can work in tandem to supplement each other, I find Instagram fairly souless so maybe this can embody it with some of that.

I should make a longer to do to list, sorting out the layout should surely be a priority. I think I'll look into it now!

17th September 2024

It's been a fun 24 hours that has largely been dedicated to getting this website up to a point where I can write on it. We're just about there now and I figured it was a good time to do the first Journal. I've been thinking about the way that Hunter used his Journal and how frank and honest he was. I'm sure there's some golden quotes in there that I don't really have the time to find. He journalled online for nearly a decade with varying regualirty, and they are viewable in their totality at the Grateful Dead archives in Santa Cruz. I haven't checked out the Wayback Machine but that could be a valid route too.

I'd like to get some way for people to interact with the page, Hunter defnitely got a lot of communication and discourse, building a kind of community around his commitment to exploring the use cases for a poet on the internet. That would be cool. As it stands, I guess you can message me on Instagram, where my username is the same as here for branding.

Let's see if we can do this every day like Hunter sometimes managed to. Peace!